Step Up (2015-18) was a joint initiative by the Walcot Foundation and Trust for London trialling new approaches to support low paid workers. Following a report in Year 2, a Year 3 evaluation and final report has been produced by the Learning and Work Institute. It was presented to the Better Work Network Conference on 24 June 2019. It provides further analysis as well as longitudinal research with Step Up participants to assess the pilot’s performance across its lifetime. In addition, a report on job brokerage in in-work support initiatives and a guide for commissioners on in-work poverty projects were also produced. Reports can be found here: Key Findings | Full Report | Guide for Commissioners | Job Brokerage Report
SURVEY NOW CLOSED Our Governor Grantmaking Priorities (we review them every three years) help guide the type of projects we fund within our focus on Lambeth low-income residents. The current ones are below. We are soon to review them again, and we'd welcome your view. We're espacially interested to hear from our partners: current and former grantees; Lambeth schools and organisations; those with knowledge of Lambeth and an interest in our work. You should keep in mind that our charitable objects require that ALL our funding is focused on Lambeth beneficiaries and 85% needs to be focused on education/training for under 30s. We think the survey will take 5-10 minutes to complete. It will run until 8 July 2019. All submissions will be considered. The new Governor Priorities will be published on our website in January 2020 and will be used to guide our grant-making from April 2020. Thanks so much for your time. If you have specific questions, please contact Daniel Chapman, Grants Manager. |
October 2024