Our next grant round will open for expressions of interest (EOIs) between Monday 24th February and Friday 7th March 2025. Bookings can be made via our website from Monday 10th February.
All expressions of interest will be in the format of a 20 minute online Microsoft Teams meeting with a member of the Walcot grants team. During the meeting you will be asked about the work you wish to undertake, how much funding this may require and what you hope this will achieve. Organisations and schools that meet our eligibility criteria with proposals that fit best with our strategic plan and priorities will be taken forward to full application stage. Please note: - Grants of up to a maximum of £30,000 per year for three years will be available. - In this round we will be taking expressions on interest from schools, organisations working in schools and community based organisations. - Community based work can begin from June 2025. School based work can begin from September 2025. - Organisations/schools wishing to apply for continuation funding (after being offered a 1 year grant last year) should complete an EOI to progress their renewal request. - If planning work in a Lambeth school it is preferable if the school has been identified and an agreement in principal reached with them. - When an organisation or school has an existing grant in place no new funding will be offered for a second project. For reference:
- Last year the average success rate for an expression of interest successfully moving onto the written application stage was 41%. Our average grant approval rate for applicants that completed a full written application was 48%. - if you are selected to complete a full written grant application and this application is then unsuccessful, you will need to wait 12 months from when you initially applied (the date of your expression of interest) before you can apply again. - Our application form questions can be found here. - the Standard Grant Conditions made to successful grantees can be found on our website. Additional project/organisation-specific conditions may be added as necessary. - Grant decisions over £40,000 per year are approved by the Board. The Director has delegated approval power for grants £40,000 and under. - If you are unhappy with the service given by the Grants Team or the decision made, please refer to our Complaints Procedure. A blog on our thinking and plans for grant making in 2025 and beyond can be found here. |
Educational Field Trip Grants - Our Educational Field Trip grants programme is currently closed and will reopen in April 2025.
See here for more information on when we will be accepting new applications.
If you have any questions, please email [email protected].
See here for more information on when we will be accepting new applications.
If you have any questions, please email [email protected].