Grants for StudentsWe are currently only accepting applications from students under 30 years old who are enrolled on a course during the 2024/25 academic year. We are CLOSED to applicants 30 years and over.
If you are 30 years or older, you can apply for a student grant in April 2025. This will be for courses beginning from September 2025 onwards. Bursaries of up to £600 per term are available. We are also still accepting applications for low income Lambeth residents under the age of 30 wishing to access vocational training/employment. Grants of up to £1,800 (or up to £4,000, if including childcare) can be applied for to cover the cost of course fees, travel, special clothing, equipment, study/field trips and childcare. Before applying please read our guidance document, which can be found here. The application form you then need to complete if you believe you are eligible for support can be completed here. Please note applications can take up to 6 weeks to process. If you need immediate help: You can search for other possible grant makers via the Turn2Us website. If you are a Lambeth resident and require advice on student finance the Walcot Advice project based at Centre 70 in West Norwood can help you. To book an appointment, please contact the advisor on 07832 607083 or This service is free and confidential. As well as grants, the Foundation can offer access to careers advice, mentoring and debt, benefits and budgeting advice via referrals to external partners. Find out more. We have put together information on additional resources (accessing other grants, work experience and general support) to help you make the most of your studies - details here. If you have any further questions on our individual grant giving please email [email protected] for support. |