Poverty and inequality indicators for London have been updated. The Lambeth data set can be seen and explored here. The news is not encouraging, and most of these indicators will worsen, at least in the short term, as a consequence of the economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Lambeth is worse than the London averages in infant mortality, premature mortality, qualifications at 19, income inequality, poverty rate, housing affordability, rough sleeping and unemployment rates. It is London-average in evictions, housing delivery, temporary accomodation and pay inequality. It is better than average in GCSE attainment and in the % of those without qualifications. Our focus is in helping low-income Lambeth citizens improve their whole-life earning capacity. We do this by funding a wide range of activity and opportunity - you'll find details on our website. Can the situation improve? Of course. A first step is for us all to be aware of how things stand now for so many of our fellow citizens.
Low-income Lambeth citizens are likely to be badly affected by the impact of the Covid-19. Organisations are responding to this crisis. Examples include Foodbanks now delivering food and education projects and homework clubs providing services by telephone and internet. In addition local funders and local business have come together to create a Lambeth-specific fund for projects helping low-income and vulnerable Lambeth residents affected by Covid-19. With contributions from Walcot Foundation (£250,000), urban health foundation Guy’s and St Thomas’ Charity (£250,000), Peter Minet Trust (£25,000) and Winn & Coales (Denso) Ltd, a total of £545,000 has been ringfenced for Lambeth communities to tackle the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on local people. This local Lambeth Community Response Fund will be managed by Walcot Foundation, which has supported Lambeth people for more than 350 years. Local community organisations and charities can apply through the London Community Response portal, so that these local grants are co-ordinated with the wider pan-London effort to deal with the impact of Covid-19. Click 'read more' |
October 2024