Local Roots Programme - Building the capacity of local organisations - 2016-2022
Small Lambeth-based charities and social enterprises (or those planning to set up as such) received free professional consultancy and support (help with legal structures, governance, business planning, fundraising, budgeting or measuring the progress and impact) delivered as part of the Local Roots project funded by Walcot Foundation and Battersea PowerStation Foundation. This was provided by Community Learning and Empowerment Network CIC.
The capacity building service offered:
1. Flexible and tailored consultancy enabling organisations to identify and address their developmental needs, or to tackle specific, identified challenges. These include:
2. Access to the Peer Support Group This is hosted by the Walcot Foundation and is a forum for local community organisations to meet to share knowledge, questions, develop partnerships and support each other in making a difference in Lambeth.
1. Flexible and tailored consultancy enabling organisations to identify and address their developmental needs, or to tackle specific, identified challenges. These include:
- Starting up a voluntary or community group
- Effective Governance
- Fundraising
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Legal Structures
- Business Planning and Strategy Development
- Organisational and Project Budgets.
2. Access to the Peer Support Group This is hosted by the Walcot Foundation and is a forum for local community organisations to meet to share knowledge, questions, develop partnerships and support each other in making a difference in Lambeth.