2024 Grant making Priorities
We establish grant making priorities in order to make the greatest impact and typically apply them for three years before reviewing. We publicise them to help others know what we are likely to fund. These priorities are not exclusive, and the Foundation will consider exceptional applications outside them where the projected results fit well with our vision, mission, values and strategy.
1. Supporting families under pressure Empowering families to deal with the problems that are preventing them from thriving, such as poor housing, debt, benefits issues and difficulties in supporting their children’s education. This could involve funding advice projects or family support workers. 2. Improving engagement with education Enabling pupils who are disengaged from education to achieve academically and/or vocationally, including projects that focus on the transition years or that work with students at risk of exclusion. 3. Building better mental health for children and young people. Early intervention projects that help improve mental health and give children and young people effective coping skills for the future. 4. Increasing confidence and skills through positive activities. Giving school-age children who would otherwise be prevented due to low-income the ability to take part in activities and experiences that build confidence and new skills. We support projects that specifically target and meet the needs of children from disadvantaged backgrounds. 5. Tackling youth unemployment We support projects that are working with young people who have significant additional barriers to employment. |