HOW TO MAKE CONTACTOur offices are open — but visit by appointment only.
TELEPHONE US on 020 7735 1925 (Monday-Friday 0900-1700) Once you are through, listen to the options OR key in as follows: #1 for grants enquiries #2 for finance enquiries (services, invoices, rents, banking etc) #3 for property (if you have been given a team member's extension number, you can enter that directly) NB For those with a hearing or speech impairment - Text relay 18001 plus 020 7735 1925 WRITE TO US The Walcot Foundation 127 Kennington Road London SE11 6SF ARRANGE A TEAMS MEETING SEND EMAILTENANT ENQUIRIES See the tenant resources page or email the Property and Estate Manager OUR TEAM Marcia Asare - Director & Clerk Joe Doran- Head of Grants Ross Griffiths - Head of Property & Estates Djilali Teffah - Finance Manager Daniel Hogan - Grants Manager Techia Braveboy - Grants Administrator, Wed-Fri Fraser Coppin - Operations & Administration Officer |
Interested in our work? Volunteer your skill and time.If you are interested in our work and have something of offer, we would very much like to hear from you.
Volunteer specific skill We are interested in hearing from potential volunteers with some expertise in the following -
We don't expect an open-ended commitment. Sometimes having the contribution of a skilled person for a single meeting, or a dozen or so hours over a few months has been very valuable to our work. If interested, please get in touch. |